So I moved over to PC and quickly realized there's a learning curve. The main reason for me was the lack of tools, as a matter of fact there are none for console. But the more I learned the more I realized that consoles are very limited in what they can do when it comes to adding mods and building a stable load order. I was hooked and the journey was very rewarding not to mention my game looked infinitely better. I started modding Skyrim on Console and had a great time doing so. After that you'll still make mistakes and that's fine as that's part of learning but we need to mimimize those mistakes as much as possible. Modding is truly a skill and like any other skill let's start with the basics first. Then, for your next step I also have several guides with complete load ordered mod lists that are all linked to this guide. Take the time to watch the mod manager tutorials and then refer back to this guide as needed. Take your time reading this entire guide. One day will not teach you everything you need to know but the basics is not only a good place to start but a place you can fall back on when things get difficult. Put the time in to learn properly and you'll be rewarded ten fold. Put an entire day aside to learn the basics This guide is about implementing tried and true modding practice for Skyrim SE. One thing for sure, Skyrim is one of the best games to mod and there's a list of reasons why which I won't get into here because that's not what this guide is about.

Maybe this is your first time modding, maybe you've had several unsuccessful attempts at modding, maybe you need a refresher after a long break from modding Skyrim or maybe you're simply curious. This also makes it easier to update this and other other guides. I have several other mod list guides and am about to release another so they will not include this detailed info but will all refer to this guide. I moved the contents of that guide to the guide you are now looking at minus the mod list that was included with that Basics+ Guide.

This guide originated from my "Complete Load Order & Basics+ for Skyrim SE", a guide released over 3 years ago. Note: Those buying the game for the very first time need to link your Bethesda account to your Steam account What if I have not received my verification email for my Bethesda account? "There are no secrets to success, it's the result of preparation, hard work, & learning from failure"