And combo duels, no one really plays combo duels and it's just one obscure duel mode, most people play uhc duels to prove their skill or to improve in pvp. So it's not worth learning to god/breezily unless you want to use it a party trick.

Breezily bridging is a slightly more safer than ninja bridging and it's still very inconsistent. God bridging is cool and all but, it's really inconsistent + dangerous and you fall off half the time even if you practiced it for months. 10 cps is all you need (you can get it by butterflying w/ out double clicking, I can get 10 cps on any mouse including the trackpad) and the only times you need higher cps than that is in 1. You really shouldn't care too much about cps tho. Hypixel doesn't mention it but if you click 25+ cps consistently for a long while then it's pretty much a guaranteed ban. But lowering the debounce time on a mouse like the glorious model o isn't cheating/bannable as it's just removing the double click restrain. If you left click every time you use your scroll wheel because of a software, then it's bannable. If you double click every single time you click because of a software, then it's bannable. You can't use macros to butterfly/drag click. Hypixel doesn't specify what methods of clicking are allowed exactly, but one thing is for sure. But it's use at your own risk once you hit about 20, if you're unlucky you can possibly get banned. If you get like 20 cps but if you don't get it all the time (fluctuating between 16 ~ 21 or something like that) then you're probably not gonna get banned, I butterfly 20 cps like that but I haven't got banned. I would only put it at my average clicking speed of around 6-7 cps so I would like to know if it’s still a bannable offense even though it’s only used to not have to be clicking for XP around. If you get 10~15 cps there is a extremely low chance of you getting banned. Hey, I would like to know if I’m allowed to use an autoclicker while only playing Skyblock cause that’s the only thing that I play on this server.